[ux/ui/web design]






Spearheading the design for one of Ontario's leading distribution companies.

In this technology focused era, nearly all consumers (97%) now use online media when researching products in their local area. An important means in cultivating a consumers’ likelihood to reach out is by creating a reliable online presence.

[understanding the brand]

[understanding the brand]

JLI’s online presence was seen as a limiting factor, as it did not accurately represent their primary business offerings. More specifically, their wide range of customizable services, current contact information, and commitment to their customers were not being highlighted.



I started with 1:1 interview session with key stakeholders to answer questions about the goals for the company within the online space. My secondary research involved better understanding what key changes needed to be made to alter current buyer behavior and attitudes towards JLI by auditing their direct competitors.

[design direction & artwork]

[design direction & artwork]

During the COVID pandemic, restrictions on gatherings made traditional photography challenging. Consequently, I chose to create SVGs instead, as they allowed for creative flexibility and ensured the safety of all involved by minimizing physical interactions. Additionally, I opted for a simple design to ensure the content remained the priority, creating clear and effective visuals without unnecessary complexity.


[prototype & interaction]

[prototype & interaction]

I validated each version of the prototype with the CEO to ensure the design met the companies standards and contained all of the correct information. I introduced the CEO to a clickable prototype, where I asked the him to navigate through the website in order to discover specific details about the company. The questions were dedicated to find out if the user flow made sense and if all important information was present.

FINAL project


A website is so much more than a source of information, it is a tool to connect with customers, a space where they get to better understand the story behind the brand. This redesign will help bridge the gap between JLI and its customers to help nurture a better, more trusting, relationship from the beginning.


A website is so much more than a source of information, it is a tool to connect with customers, a space where they get to better understand the story behind the brand. This redesign will help bridge the gap between JLI and its customers to help nurture a better, more trusting, relationship from the beginning.

[sophia inez scott]
