





Providing 24/7 vehicle detail access with QR labels, empowering car shoppers and helping dealerships expand their reach.

We wanted to empower the modern-day consumer by providing a dynamic QR label that could to the windshield of a vehicle and, when scanned, link to the vehicle's online details to allow them to independently search the lot at any time, even when the dealership was closed. The SaaS app was built as a tool for dealerships to increase their reach during off-hours and gain valuable insights on vehicle demand. The project was run based on an Agile delivery method where the I worked in daily sprints spanning 1 week.

[the challenge]

[the challenge]

  1. Ensure seamless integration with existing dealership databases and systems to provide accurate and real-time vehicle information and exclusive deals.

  2. The design requires an intuitive and user-friendly interface that provides comprehensive vehicle information and analytics while being accessible to all customers, including those who are not tech-savvy.

  3. Create a straightforward setup process for dealership employees to easily generate and manage QR code labels, ensuring minimal training is required and employees can efficiently update deals and information.

[discovery phase]

[discovery phase]

To outline all the necessary functionality I began brainstorming with key stakeholders about the primary features. We established four key areas of focus: onboarding and login, user subscriptions, label activation and setup, and customer gifts. I sketched my ideas for the four major features, particularly focusing on the user flow through the app.

[design system]

[design system]

Due to time constraints, we decided to simplify the design process by selecting a neutral colour palette including a key primary colour for important buttons and a colour for warning users of important actions.


[animated prototypes & testing]

[animated prototypes & testing]

In addition to static visuals, high fidelity animated prototypes using Figma and Framer were created, with the aim to not just better communicate our designs to the client and overseas developers, but to bring the designs to life, increase usability and enhance the end to end experience.

FINAL project


[design hand-off] I created a detailed hand-off presentation to guide developers on flow and navigation, and a promotional poster for the dealership window to inform customers of the new offerings.


[design hand-off] I created a detailed hand-off presentation to guide developers on flow and navigation, and a promotional poster for the dealership window to inform customers of the new offerings.

[sophia inez scott]
